Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday the 13th, and welcome back to Friday Favorites!  We took quite the hiatus, but both of us are bored at work, counting down the minutes to our vinyl record party tonight.  (We're cool like that.)  Ready to be regaled with the things we love? I'll kick it off!

I don't always love the blog I Believe In Unicorns, but the girl knows how to rock hippie-chic.  More importantly, I'm dying over her current hair.  I might be requesting bleached-blonde ends soon enough...

My current no sugar fast has not been as hard as expected.  Perhaps because I kicked it off the evening before with a version of this hot chocolate affogato situation?  So. Good.

This farm-style picnic table is so pretty.  I don't know if I'll ever have a kitchen/dining room that will deem something like this appropriate, but I sure hope so.  Beautiful, practical, and vintage-esque.

Lacy's not on board with this brie, bacon, and fig jam grilled cheese, but I sure would eat it every single day.
And speaking of bacon... Ruth Reichl's idea for bacon cheese toasts makes me want to facepalm that I didn't think of it before.  So simple.  So indulgent.  Maybe I'll make it for a brunch-like meal tomorrow morning.  Along with some leftover peach hand pies.

And lastly, confession:  I actually kind of love Miley Cyrus' new song Wrecking Ball.  I'm ashamed to admit this since I have such loathing for the non-sensical and rather absurd music video she put out.  But the song is so dang catchy.


happiest of fridays! this week has gone by quickly, but this day is going by slooooowly. man alive.
anyway, lacy here, with my favorite things this week! (pretend i said that in an Oprah voice. thanks)

 it's been raining a bit this week and it makes me so happy. even though my moccasins got soaked on my lunch run today. (they're currently trying to dry out under my desk. it's not going great). i've been editing my pinterest boards and realized the overwhelming majority of my wear board is fall clothes. it's no wonder i have such a hard time getting dressed in the summer.. the point of all this text was...i like this outfit. and i'm excited for fall dressing.

 i never thought i'd be someone who is obsessed with kitchens. but the thing i'm most excited about when we buy a house someday is getting to pick out a kitchen. the backsplash and lighting in here is just perfect.

 i'm really intrigued with the idea of veggie chips lately. these baked rosemary and basil zucchini chips are at the top of my list to try.

 i realized i like to decorate by room. the bathroom is basically done, so now i'm setting my sights on the bedroom. i love the idea of these super simple prints as a headboard fill in. because maybe our current bed used to be part of a bunk bed and doesn't have one....

brian and i started a rewatch of the office a while ago. the third season is so amazing! seriously, it makes me a bit sad how disinterested i was in the last seasons. (i know this isn't from season three. but i still love it)

and this. because i find it super hilarious.

have a great weekend! go and do something spooky.
...or don't! i would much rather watch the office and eat some cookies myself.

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